Pelestarian Jalak Bali.

Jalak Bali (Leucopsar rothschildi) atau disebut juga Curik Bali adalah sejenis burung sedang dengan panjang kurang lebih 25 cm. Burung pengicau berwarna putih ini merupakan satwa endemik Indonesia yang hanya bisa ditemukan diPulau Bali bagian barat. Burung inin juga merupakan satwa endemik Pulau Bali yang masih tersisa stelah Harimau Bali dinyatakan punah.
Jalak Bali ditemukan pertama kali oleh Dr. Baron Stressmann, seorang ahli burung kebangsaan Inggir pada tanggal 24 Maret 1911. Nama Ilmiah Jalak Bali (Leucopsar rothschildi) dinamakan sesuai dengan nama Walter Rothschildi pakar hewan berkebangsaan Inggris yang pertama kali mendeskripsikan spesies pada tahun 1912.

Ciri-ciri Jalak Bali:
Jalak Bali memiliki fisik yang sangat unik. Ukuran tubuhnya termasuk kategori sedang berkisaran 22 hinggan 26 cm saat dewasa. Memiliki bulu putih diseluruh tubuhnya, kecuali pada ujung ekor dan sayapnya berwarna hitam. Mata berwarna cokelat tua, daerah disekitar kelopak mata tidak berbulu dengan berwarna biru tua. Bagian pipi yang tidak ditumbuhi bulu, berwarna biru cerah dan kaki yang berwarna keabu-abuan. Sedangkan pada bagian belakang kepala ada bulu surai berwarna putih. Jalak Bali mempunyai kaki berwarna abu-abu dengan 4 jari jemari (1 ke belakang dan 3 ke depan). Paruh runcing dengan panjang 2 - 5 cm, dengan bentuk yang khas dimana pada bagian atasnya terdapat peninggian yang memipih tegak. Warna abu-abu kehitaman dengan ujung berwarna kuning kecokelat-cokelatan. Sulit membedakan ukuran badan burung Jalak Bali jantan dan betina, namun secara umum yang jantan agak lebih besar dan memiliki kuncir yang lebih panjang. Jalak Bali merupakan jenis burung omnivora.
Di alam liar Jalak Bali terbiasa mengkonsumsi buah-buahan hutan, ulat dan serangga yang tersedia melimpah. Untuk tempat tinggal, Jalak Bali biasa mencari lubang dipohon untuk berlindung dan bertelur. Mereka akan memasuki masa kawin pada bulan September-Maret yang ditandai dengan berpasangan burung jantan dan betina. Masa bertelur terjadi antara bulan Januari-Maret. Jumlah telur yang dihasilkan sebanyak 2-4 butir dengan warna hijau kebiruan berdiameter rata-rata 3 cm. Jalak Bali termasuk memiliki presentase penetasan yang rendah karena hanya satu atau dua butir saja yang menetas. Hal tersebut merupakan salah satu penyebab susahnya mengembangkan populasi Jalak Bali.

Dasar Hukum dan Keputusan tentang Perlindungan Jalak Bali.
Jalak Bali (Leucopsar rothschildi) merupakan satwa yang secara hidupan liar (dihabitat aslinya) populasinya amat langka dan teranccam kepunahan. Faktor-faktor yang membuat Jalak Bali semakin terancam adalah:
  • Penghambilan kayu hutan yang membuat habitat bagi burung Jalak Bali semakin berkurang.
  • Perburuan yang menyebabkan burung ini semakin berkurang jumlahnya dialam liar.
Dalam sejarah pemantauan populasi curik dialam bebas TNBB (Taman Nasional Bali Barat) sejak tahun 1980-an, populasi Jalak Bali mengalami angka naik-turun disekitar bilangan belasan ekor. Bahkan sempat mencapai angka dugaan 14 ekor (sensus 1991), lalu meningkat lagi sekitar tahun 1997, kemudian anjlok lagi sampai hitungan antara 9-10 ekor saja pada sensus 2000. Karena itu, Jalak Bali memperoleh perhatian cukup serius dari pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Konservasi Internasional. Ada beberapa keputusan tentang perlindungan Jalak Bali antara lain:
  1. sebagai satwa liar yang dilindungi oleh undang-undang melalui Surat Keputusan Menteri Pertanian Nomor 421/Kpts/Um/8/1970 tanggal 26 Agustus 1970.
  2. berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 7 Tahun 1999 tentang Pengawetan Jenis Tumbuhan dan Satwa, Jalak Bali merupakan satwa yang dilarang diperdagangkan kecuali hasil penangkaran dari generasi ketiga (indukan bukan dari alam liar).
  3. sejak tahun 1966, IUCN (Internasional Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) telah memasukan Jalak Bali ke dalam Red Data Book, yaitu buku yang memuat jenis flora dan fauna yang terancam punah.
  4. dalam konvensi perdagangan internasional bagi jasad liar CITES (Convention on Internasional Trade in Endangered of wild fauna and flora) Jalak Bali terdaftar dalam Appendix I, yaitu kelompok yang terancam kepunahan dan dilarang untuk diperdagangkan.
  5. oleh Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Bali dijadikan sebagai Fauna Symbol Profinsi Bali.
Dengan ditetapkannya burung Jalak Bali sebagai satwa liar yang dilindungi sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri Pertanian Nomor 421/Kpts/Um/8/1970 tanggal 26 Agustus 1970, maka jika terjadi pelanggaran terhadap burung Jalak Bali, sanksi-sanksi yang akan dikenakan kepada si pelanggar sudah diatur dalam Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1990.


Butterfly and moth insects which are classified into the ordo Lepidoptera, or 'winged insect shell' (lepis, scale and pteron, wing).

The simple, butterfly moth be distinguished from the alias nightfly actively based on the time and physical characteristics. Butterfly generally active in the day (diurnal), whereas gengat mostly active at night (nocturnal). Butterfly resting or perch with wings erect, moth perch with wings spread. Butterfly usually has a beautiful bright color, moth tends to dark, dull or gray. However, these differences have always perkecualiannya, so that scientifically can not be sure that grip. (van Mastrigt and Rosariyanto, 2005).

Butterfly and moth types very much. In Java and Bali alone recorded more than 600 species of butterfly. Type ngengatnya far had not made the list complete, but there are hundreds of types of alleged.

Parliamentary system of government

System is a parliamentary system of government where the parliament has an important role in the government. In this case, the parliament has the authority in the prime minister and parliament can overturn the government, that is the way out does not believe such a motion. Presidensiil with a different system, where the parliamentary system can have a president and a prime minister, the authorities of the government road. In presidensiil, president of the road authority of government, but in the parliamentary system the president is only a symbol of the country only.

Parliamentary system is differentiated by the executive branch of government depends on the support directly or indirectly legislative branch, or parliament, often expressed through a veto confidence. Therefore, there is no clear separation of powers between the executive branch and legislative branch, the criticism from some who feel a lack of checks and balance that is found in a republican presidency.

Parliament praised the system, compared with the system presidensiil, because kefleksibilitasannya and responses to the public. Kekurangannya he is often led to a less stable government, as in the Weimar Republic of Germany and the French Fourth Republic. Parliamentary system usually has a clear distinction between the government and the head of state, with the head of government is the prime minister, and appointed as head of state with little power or seremonial. However, some systems also have a parliament elected a president with more power as head of the country, providing a balance in this system.

Presidential system

Presidensiil system (presidential), or also called the system kongresional, is a republican system of government in countries where executive power is selected through a separate election and the legislative power.

According to Rod Hague, presidensiil government consists of 3 elements, namely:

* President of the chosen people to lead the government and officials of government-related.
* President of the council of representatives has a fixed term of office, can not throw each other.
* There is no status of the overlapping between the executive bodies and legislative bodies.

Presidensiil in the system, the president has a relatively strong position and can not be as low as the low subjective political support. However, there are mechanisms to control the president. If the president of violation the Constitution, treason against the state, and criminal issues involved, the position of president can be. When he was dismissed because of certain violations, usually a vice president will replace the position.

This model adopted by the United States, the Philippines, Indonesia and most countries in Latin America and Central America.


The characteristics of presidensiil namely:

* Are headed by a president as head of government head of state at a time.
* President of the executive power was based on democracy and the people elected directly by them or through a representative body of the people.
* The President has the right prerogratif (privilege) to raise and dismiss ministers who lead the department and non-department.
* Minister-minister is responsible only to the executive power to the president is not legislative power.
* The President is not responsible to the legislative power.

System of government

System of government is a system that belongs to a country in managing the government.

In accordance with the conditions of each country, this system can be divided into:

1. Presidential
2. Parliamentary
3. Communist
4. Liberal democracy
5. liberal
6. capital

System and system of government has a goal to maintain the stability of that country. However, in some countries of separatism often occur because the system of government of the people that are considered burdensome or harmful people. System of government have a strong foundation which can not be changed and become static. If a government system of government that have a static, absolute and it will take for ever to the insistence of the minority to protest this.

Widespread system of government means that people maintain stability, keep the behavior of the majority and minority, to maintain foundation of government, maintaining the strength of political, defense, economic security so that a continuous system of government and democracy where people can participate in should at least take part in the development system of government tersebut.Hingga at this time only a few countries who can practice the system of government completely.

The narrow, the system only as a means for groups to run the wheels of government in order to maintain stability in the country relatively long time and prevent the existence of reactionary and radical behavior from the people themselves

Binoh Kelod's Young Guns

Tanggal 2 April 2009, aku bersama teman-teman Karang Taruna pergi berTirta Yatra atau sembahyang ke Pura terbesar diBali, Pura Besakih. Ini adalah foto dimana kami berfoto bersama di Banjar kami, Binoh Kelod, Bali.

Bersama Teman-teman di Pantai Padang-padang

Tanggal 20 February 2009, aku dan teman-teman sekelasku bergi berwisata ke sebuah pantai yang sangat indah dan belum terjamah oleh tangan-tangan investor. Pantai itu terletak di Desa Pecatu, Bukit Jimbaran, Bali. Pantai itu berpasir putih, suasananya tenang, dan udaranya benar-benar sejuk. Pokoknya........., pantai itu benar-benar tepat untuk berekreasi bareng teman-teman. Nah.............pantai itu bernama, "Padang-Padang". DiBali, pantai itu belum begitu terkenal. Namun, dengan segala kelebihannya, pantai itu tepat untuk dijadikan sebagai tempat tujuan berwisata bareng teman, rekan-rekan kerja atau bareng keluarga.
Aku dan teman-teman sekelasku berwisata ke Padang-padang dalam rangka perpisahan kelas. Aku benar-benar menikmati perjalannan ku ke Padang-padang tersebut. Senang sekali rasanya bisa berwisata bareng teman-teman.